SkinStim TM

For use only under supervision of a professional trainer, nurse, aesthetician or clinician. 

SkinStim TM has technology that no other product has!

1.  Patented bioelectric stem cell homing signals – stem cells move from your fat tissue to your face.
2.  Patented bioelectric signaling to turn back on gene switch for elastin for elasticity you lost in youth.
3.  Patented bioelectric signaling for COL17A1 protein expression heralded in Japan as perhaps most powerful wrinkle remover ever discovered!
3.  Patented bioelectric signaling for KLOTHO heralded as powerful aging reversal protein.
4.  Patented bioelectric signaling for reducing skin inflammation.
6.  Patented bioelectric signaling for increasing circulation in skin.
7.  Patented bioelectric signaling for improving facial muscle tone.
A $4995 investment in a SkinStim TM stimulator can generate > $495,000 in revenue for your MedSpa year after year
Email our Customer Service at [email protected] if you have any questions or give us a call at (424) 291-2133
See our Lionheart Health full web site for information on all our products.
If you are interested to convert your MedSpa to a Lionheart Longevity & Wellness Certified MedSpa please write us at [email protected]

Bioelectric stimulator FDA 510KClick Here

Bioelectric EMS suit FDA 510K > Click Here

For sale to physicians only or trained professionals and/or to be used under the supervision thereof.